Suicide or Survive

Suicide or Survive

About us

The organisation is premised on the belief that there are gaps in existing services for those who have attempted or contemplated suicide. One of the key drivers behind the work of SOS is the desire to harness individuals’ own strengths and provide them with the tools to improve their own mental wellness. Underlying SOS’s vision is the idea that “behind every statistic on suicide and self-harm, there is a person” (Suicide or Survive 2012) and that every person has the capability of living a full life regardless of the challenges they may face in their mental health throughout their lives. Suicide or Survive started at Caroline’s kitchen table born out of her own lived experience and that of people she came into contact with. The organisation has always remained true to its roots with the influence of the lived experience of people with their mental health and their human messiness in everything it does.


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